Sam Ainsley: Wednesday is Cobalt Blue, Friday is Cadmium Red
Sam Ainsley: Wednesday is Cobalt Blue, Friday is Cadmium Red
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This beautiful book celebrating the work of Sam Ainsley was published on the occasion of the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), Glasgow, showing Sam Ainsley: Wednesday is Cobalt blue, Friday is Cadmium red, 25 November 2023–30 June 2024. The show represents a deeply personal culmination of recent work, making a powerful statement about who Ainsley is as an artist living in Glasgow and drawing strands together from nearly 50 years of art practice. All the works in the show are reproduced in full colour here, and the publication also includes a specially commissioned essay by Dr Catriona McAra reflecting on the work in the exhibition and Ainsley’s practice as both an artist and a renowned pedagogue.
Sam Ainsley RSA is an artist and teacher and until 2005 was Head of the Master of Fine Art (MFA) programme at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA). She has forged a remarkable career within the visual arts sector, nationally and internationally.
Dr Catriona McAra is an art historian and curator based in Scotland. She is currently writing a book on Scottish contemporary women artists.
- 40 pages, colour throughout
- Softback, sewn
- 20 x 20 cm
- Published by Graphical House
- ISBN: 978-1-9997126-8-6